🐶 Pitbullinfo.org is published by PitbullHero, a not-for-profit research group dedicated to promoting effective and equitable breed-neutral policies for public safety and providing dog bite-related information based on scientific studies and other reliable sources. Our mission is to end discrimination against dogs labeled as 'pitbulls' and to promote the responsible ownership of all dogs, regardless of appearance or breed, which ultimately benefits all people, all dogs, and all communities.
🇺🇸 We believe breed-specific legislation (BSL) constitutes government overreach because it unjustly penalizes well-behaved dogs and responsible owners while failing to address aggressive dogs (regardless of breed) and problems arising from irresponsible ownership. Furthermore, multiple studies have shown BSL ineffective at improving public safety.
ℹ️ Our rationale for using the term 'pitbull' as a single lowercase word is explained here.
Facts about dogs labeled as 'pitbulls' including breeds, common misconceptions, temperament, statistics, scientific studies, and breed-specific legislation (BSL).
The term 'pitbull' includes four unique breeds, many different pitbull-type mixes, and other breeds and mixes that can be labeled as 'pitbulls' due to their appearance.
Breeds involved in fatal dog attacks, unreliable dog bite statistics, breed misidentification rates, and the estimated population of dogs labeled as 'pitbulls.'
Scientific studies on dog bites including breed-specific risk, bite severity, aggression, breed identification, and breed-specific legislation (BSL).
Information about breed-specific legislation (BSL), including differences between BSL and breed-neutral regulations, the public's declining support for BSL, and organizations that oppose BSL.
Articles covering a variety of topics relevant to pitbulls including "Popularity of Pitbulls in the U.S.," "Misconceptions About Pitbull Bites," "Deconstructing Flawed Pitbull Statistics," and more.
PitbullHero is a not-for-profit research group dedicated to promoting effective and equitable breed-neutral policies for public safety and providing dog bite-related information based on scientific studies and other reliable sources. Our mission is to end discrimination against dogs labeled as 'pitbulls' and to promote the responsible ownership of all dogs, regardless of appearance or breed, which ultimately benefits all people, all dogs, and all communities.
PitbullHero™ LLC | All Rights Reserved
Pit bull facts and information, pit bull breeds, dog bite statistics, pit bull statistics, breed specific legislation BSL
PitbullHero is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0