Percentage of media reports on dog bite incidents where valid breed determination was possible.
Number of studies (listed on this page) that reject breed-specific legislation (BSL) as an effective approach for public safety.
Percentage of a dog's behavior attributable to breed, confirming that breed has a minimal impact on behavior.
The scientific consensus on breed-specific risk is clear: numerous studies have concluded that a dog's breed does not determine aggression, bite strength, or its propensity to bite. Studies have also found that breed-specific legislation (BSL) is ineffective, as it fails to reduce dog bites reliably. This consensus is significant because it represents the collective conclusion of the scientific community based on a broad analysis of comprehensive research rather than the findings of isolated, limited-scope studies that may support opposing viewpoints. Below, we provide a selection of 28 studies supporting the consensus on breed-specific risk and BSL, including summaries of their findings.
Studies that cover multiple topics including: breed-specific risk, breed-specific legislation (BSL), breed identification and DNA, and medical studies on dog bites.
Studies on the accuracy of visual breed identification and the DNA composition of shelter dogs.
Studies on breed-specific behavior, temperament, and aggression.
Studies on breed-specific bite strength and severity.
Studies on the efficacy of breed-specific legislation (BSL).
The APDT opposes any law that deems a dog as dangerous or vicious based on appearance, breed or phenotype. Canine temperaments are widely varied, and behavior cannot be predicted by physical features such as head shape, coat length, muscle to bone ratio, etc. The only predictor of behavior is behavior.
PitbullHero is a not-for-profit research group dedicated to promoting effective and equitable breed-neutral policies for public safety and providing dog bite-related information based on scientific studies and other reliable sources. Our mission is to end discrimination against dogs labeled as 'pitbulls' and to promote the responsible ownership of all dogs, regardless of appearance or breed, which ultimately benefits all people, all dogs, and all communities.
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Pit bull facts and information, pit bull breeds, dog bite statistics, pit bull statistics, breed specific legislation BSL
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